A Day in the Life with Major Depression

We’ve all experienced exhaustion before, but the exhaustion I experience with depression is hard for me to comprehend. Today is the first day in months that I have enough energy to feel bored. You’ve probably never conceptualized boredom in terms of energy, and neither had I until recently. When I say that I have enough energy to feel bored I mean that today I had the energy to get dressed, shower, and eat, and I still have enough energy to need something else to do. That feeling is new to me.

Strength, Resilience, and Transgender History: An Oral History with Andrea Horne

San Francisco has a long and well-documented history as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)-friendly city. However, some LGBT San Franciscans find the city less safe than others. Andrea Horne is one of these San Franciscans. She is a former actress, jazz singer, model, and social worker, as well as a Black transgender woman who has lived in San Francisco for the past forty years.